Thursday, October 11, 2012


Pumpkin Decorating Contests
How can you help during October?  The answer to that question is fun and easy.  Have a pumpkin decorating contest!

This idea is most suitable for schools.  Allow students (you choose grade limits) to decorate pumpkins.  Set a deadline when the pumpkins need to be finished and submitted.  Choose a place within the school (or wherever the contest may take place) for the pumpkins to set for everyone to see and admire!

I can hear you now, "How does this benefit a charity or organization?"  Here's the catch:

The winner of the pumpkin decorating contest isn't decided by judges.  The pumpkin decorating contest is decided by the viewers!  Allow viewers to donate money of any amount (as small as a nickel or as large as desired) to the pumpkin they believe is decorated best.  My suggestion is to put a paper bag below or beside each pumpkin for the money to be dropped in.  Allow all of the money raised from each pumpkin to go to the charity or organization you're raising funds for.  Have a prize of some sort for the pumpkin that raised the most money, and you may want to even have a second and third place prize for contests that have excess pumpkin entries.

THIS DOES WORK!  The elementary and junior high students at my school had a pumpkin decorating contest recently.  The money raised from each pumpkin went to Relay for Life.  The winner whose pumpkin was most admired received a new bike.  There were over fifty entries, and Relay for Life benefited tremendously!

Kids have fun.  Charities and organizations benefit.  What could be better?

HOW CAN YOU HELP?  Have a pumpkin decorating contest!

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