Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Aid to Inmate Mothers (AIM) - Montgomery, Alabama

Children with incarcerated parents have to lead lives with the absence of their mothers or fathers.  This not only puts a toll on them emotionally, but these children are also more likely to become incarcerated later in life.  Organizations such as the Aid to Inmate Mothers are helping women incarcerated maintain relationships with their children and also grow as a person.  I'd imagine that the children of incarcerated mothers also benefit by being able to see and speak with their mothers.  Looking at the big picuture, the whole family is stronger due to this awesome organization's work.

The mission of Aid to Inmate Mothers in Montgomery, Alabama, is to provide services to incarcerated women with emphasis on enhancing personal growth and strengthening the bonds between inmate mothers and their children.

The AIM vision is to create a criminal justice model that respects and understands the rights of children effected by their mothers' imprisonment and recognizes and helps to address the many burdens carried by the children and families as a result of incarceration.

Miss America 2012 Laura Kaeppeler of Wisconsin is also shining a special light on children of incarcerated parents.  Her platform as Miss Wisconsin is now making a positive impact nationally as she holds the title of Miss America.  Through her title, she has been working with organizations to help these children beat odds of one day becoming incarcerated.  Once a child of an incarcerated parent, Laura knows herself what it is like.  She is helping children who are just like she was realize their potential to be successful civilians.

Thanks to Laura and AIMS, children, mothers, fathers, and families alike are realizing that incarceration doesn't shape your life forever.  Bonds can still be held tightly, and love can still be shared abundantly.  THANK YOU!

Check out this video of one of Laura Kaeppeler's interviews where she talks about Circles of Support, an organization she has created to help children with incarcerated parents.

Check out this video that spotlights three incarcerated mothers and their children and the relationships they hold.  As well, you'll learn more about Aid to Inmate Mothers in Montgomery, Alabama.  What a moving and informative video! 

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